MÜLLERSCHMIDT - interior textiles -


LOOKBOOK - Fashion Pillows






COLLECTION - Fashion Pillows

The "Fashion Pillows" collection impresses through extraordinary colour combinations that come to life in unparalleled designs. Each individual cushion sets an unexpected interior style of its own.
Self-confident, fashionable and with an urban breeze.

Originally developed with the field of fashion in mind, the fabric is manufactured based on an elaborate traditional print method and afterwards manually refined for interior production.
01 40x60 ikan
02 30x50 meji
03 50x50 meta
04 40x60 merin
05 40x30 marun
06 60x30 mefa
07 40x60 meje
08 40x60 mejo
09 60x30 mesan
10 50x50 mewa
11 30x50 mokanla
12 60x30 mejila
13 50x50 metala
14 40x60 merinla
15 50x50 medogun


© 2025 Esther Müller-Schmidt

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